Successful with you portfolio?

Let Dividendo Make It Simple

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Shows all dividend payments of your portfolio - each single payment or grouped by a month.


A quick overview of all your shares even if splitet in more than one depot.

Depot Overview

Shows the detail about each depot for your portfolio.

Dash Board

A quick summary about the dividend payments and the depot changes. 

  1. DIVIDENDS OVERVIEW - shows the open and payed dividends, grouped by month or year. 
  2. RESULT SUMMARY - shows quick the overall success of a share even if no longer in stock.
  3. PURCHASE SUCCESS - shows the result of each single purchase along with addtional informations related to a purchase.
  4. COSTS - get a quick view on all costs for purchases and sales for a single share, a year or overall.
  5. WIN'S AND LOSES - get a quick view on sales successes of a single share, a month, a year or overall.
  6. HISTORY - view all financial transactions (purchases, sales, payments) in a chronological order for a share, a depot, a month or a year.
  7. DEPOT REPORTS - create monthly depot reports to monitor monthly or yearly changes even if you have more than one depot.
  8. INTEREST CALCULATION - by using the informations of the depot reports a interest rate for your portfolio can be calculated.
  9. GROUPS - create groups as watch list, use them to monitor easily the success of a replacement or use groups to monitor a credit based investment.
  10. DEPOT SIMULATION - you can simulated the effect of a change of the exchange rates on your depot
  11. PAYMENT SIMULATION - changing the exchange rates shows the effect on the dividend payments.

Sample Database! 
Dividendo provides sample data to get a fast overview about all features. The sample contains 4 shares within 3 depots, dividends, reports and many historical data.
See our sample...



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